Saturday, March 26, 2011

Project 1 - Final Model

Project 1 - FInal sketches

These are my final sketches....

Major Structure - Showing the house structure, emphasizing in different wall hieght

Activity - Showing different part of the house that are classified into 2 parts, private and public space. This is also in relation to the wall height, lower roof for public space and higher for private.

Circulation - Showing how people can move trough the house and courtyard

Landscape - Focusing on how the house structure fitting in the landscape though section plan, emphasise the wall thickness to show the enclosed area of the courtyard

Project 1 - Model in progress

Project 1 - Sketches (rough sketches, plans and sections)

Rough sketches of /siza house show the idea of different wall height relating to roof's structure.

Sketch shows lower roof top area

Sketch of ground floor plan, showing wall thickness, doors, windows and major structure of the house.

Sketchs of section plans.